The circular watch tower of the semi bastion. ©Ephorate of Antiquities of Lasithi.

 Scaramella Semi-Bastion

The Scaramella semi-bastion, named after the secretary (Segretario), Giovanni Carlo Scaramelli (1579-1584), alternatively known as Bondumiero, named after the Provisioner of the fortress, Hieronimo Bondumier (1627-1629), is located in the southeastern part of the island and is constructed during the first phase of the fortress (1579-1584) as a fortification of secondary significance. The lower section of the linear front is formed by rock removal and carving of the natural rock. Its construction is meticulous and strongly resembles the Tiepolo bastion, which is contemporary.

During the Cretan War (1645-1669), the final design of its square takes place with the construction of open cannon ports, one on the eastern linear side and another in the curvilinear section. The circular vaulted watchtower at its redent is preserved in very fine condition.

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The curvilinear part (Orecchione) of the Scaramella semi bastion from the west. ©Ephorate of Antiquities of Lasithi.

The Scaramella semi bastion from the southeast. ©Ephorate of Antiquities of Lasithi

The open cannon port in the semi bastion Scaramella from the east. ©Ephorate of Antiquities of Lasithi.

The Scaramella semi bastion in a photo by G. Gerola in 1901. ©Vikelaia Municipal Library of Heraklion, Archives Department, G. Gerola Collection