Maurice Born (1943 - 2020): Preserving Modern History

Swiss architect, ethnologist, writer, and researcher. As early as 1967, he focuses his research interest towards the study of social exclusion, which led him to the island of Spinalonga.

In 1969, based in the village of Plaka, he visits the deserted island daily, meticulously documenting its architectural wealth. He is looking for the surviving former residents in the Hospital of Infectious Diseases in Agia Varvara, Attica, and records their stories. There, he is closely connected with Epameinondas Remoundakis. This lifelong relationship resulted in the creation of the book "Vies et morts d'un Crétois lépreux" (Lives and Deaths of a Cretan Leper) and the documentary "L'Ordre" (The Order), for which he wrote the script.

The priceless archive of Maurice Born, which doesn't focus only on Spinalonga but also on the history of Crete, is stored at the Historical Museum of Crete.

Photo Gallery

Photo taken in 1973 at the Anti-leper Station of Athens at the end of filming L'Ordre (The Order) by Jean-Daniel Pollet and Maurice Born about the history of leprosy in Crete. In the foreground from the left is director Jean-Daniel Pollet, Epaminondas Remoundakis, and Maurice Born. In the second row, Born's wife at the time, Marianne Gabriel, and Remoundakis' wife, Tasia. ©Maurice Born Archive